Tasheel al-Nahw

Explanation of the book:
Tasheel al-Nahw (English) is an expanded translation of the Urdu language primer of Arabic Grammar, 'Ilm al-Nahw (Arabic grammar) and Sarf (Arabic Morphology), which are standard textbooks in Western madrasahs. It is a comprehensive book of Naḥw sufficiently covering rules with examples and exercises.

What is Naḥw?

Naḥw (Syntax) is the rules which govern the behaviour of Arabic vowels. It is a core subject for the Alimiyyah syllabus, enabling students to correctly understand the Arabic texts taught in the latter years.


The aim for students who complete this book is to understand, apply and memorise the rules of Arabic syntax.

Description about the subject:

Naḥw (Syntax) are the rules which govern the behaviour of Arabic vowels. It is a core subject for the Alimiyyah syllabus, enabling students to correctly understand the Arabic texts taught in the latter years.

Book Information

Book Name:
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